Solnac's Articles In Politics » Page 2
January 29, 2005 by Solnac
There's a whole list of comments I could make that are painfully ironic. The article I'm gonna cite is here: Link Smart man. Witness the political self-preservation method here, folks. Thomas knows Bush is the quintessenal lame duck, there's nothing the man needs to do for reelection now and so Bush is trying to get his pet projects passed, no matter how unpouplar they may be now or later. Fact is, I'd be itchy too if I was a Republican running for office in 2006. No offense, George, ...
January 24, 2005 by Solnac
(Figures are from my previous article: Link .) Look. I'm willing to admit that in a year where the incumbent was so weak, the Democrats need some serious fixing or realization in paradigm. But back up the the truck here for a second...let's analyze the numbers of the last election. 51% Republican, 48% Democrat, and 1% whatever it is Nader represents again. So you've got a 51/49 pouplar vote spilt against a sitting incumbent. You could argue it happened to Clinton (I think it was something...
January 21, 2005 by Solnac
Come gather round people wherever you roam And admit that the waters around you have grown And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you is worth saving Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone -Bob Dylan, Times They Are A-Changing Link Can you save the world from itself? The reason why I ask is it seems that the Bush adminstration wants to try. Or, at the very least, liberate everyone from their oppressors. The thing abou...
January 20, 2005 by Solnac
Link Now, maybe that story on the memo is a non-issue. I admit I'm not the be all and end all of new news or even spin doctoring. The "Gee, That's Odd," prize goes to the following statement: "We made it very clear that we do not condone torture," McClellan said. "The president would never authorize torture, and that applies to everyone." (italics added: mine.) Then why bother to even comment on extreme interrogation measure, such as torture? Why make the urging in the first place? ...
January 19, 2005 by Solnac
"If men could carry kids, abortion would be a sacrament." -paraphrase of various feminists. A tiny bit of personal background is in order before I jump in with both feet. I was baptized, raised, and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Chruch, a 'cradle Catholic', if you'd like. While I do not go to chruch now, one can only disassociate from one's roots as much as one can disassociate one's self from one's head. I was raised on the opinon that abortion was in fact murder and one of the things...
January 16, 2005 by Solnac
Link I quite don't know what to say here. To be honest, I am glad Bush admitted some kind of fallacy to his presidency after we've been somewhat worried that he's a little too full of bravado for the job, and yet I am filled with the biting liberal response, which goes something like this: 'too little, too late'. It's too late to really apologize for any damage saying 'I want him dead or alive' might have caused, or for the insurgents to 'bring it on'. (Do you think the president's been ...
January 15, 2005 by Solnac
Don't get me wrong, in a way they're amusing. I read my local paper's Letters to the Editior section almost everyday I read the paper, and that happens to be almost everyday. And before you think everyone in my state espouses the same political views I do, while our local daily did endorse John Kerry (in a manner I could only describe as kicking in screaming), they overwhelmingly endorsed Republicans in all state and local races in a ratio of like 19:2. So you take a chortle or three when the...
January 13, 2005 by Solnac
Desperate for changing/Starving for truth/Closer where i Started/Chasing after you -Lifehouse, Hanging By A Moment (which, admittedly, has nothing to do with politics, but that first stanza fits nicely here.) Whether you're left, right, or somewhere in the middle, you've got one thing going for you if your particular passion is politics: you want to create your own ideal world through the masses. I'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarly, but even the most conservative politico will g...
January 9, 2005 by Solnac
Look, I'll be honest with you. If you're going to make a post saying how completely wrong I am and how much I stink and how much you hate bleeding heart liberals, then I'd suggest you'd bugger off. You're just wasting your time and mine. I will call this the disclaimer and rule one of this nothing insightful to say, don't say it. Bleeding heart liberal. Pinko commie. Let's face it, fellow liberals, the rhetoric just mounts, doesn't it? Everything we say and do boils down t...
January 3, 2005 by Solnac
Happy New Year. I trust you all had fun, drinking champagne (most of which isn't really champange, but that's completely another article) and signing Auld Lang Syne (cyber cookie to anyone who can tell me what the hell that really, I wanna know.) and hugging your loved ones, kissing your sweethearts and generally celebrating 2004 being over and 2005 beginning in retrospect of the past year, I made this list of New Years Resolutions for the country. No, no need to thank me...
December 27, 2004 by Solnac
Before we begin the article's meat and potatoes, as it were, I encourage you to go here for my full political blog (some sites like Political Machine don't have Fear and Loathing in America posted) for what might be some of my best stuff ever: Link Today's article comes from here: Link There was a time when elections didn't have to be decided via recount. That's changed since 2000, though, and depending which side you happen to be on, you either think our current president in the Wh...
December 26, 2004 by Solnac
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December 19, 2004 by Solnac
Link I'd like to take this moment and say that to those who are defending the Secretary of Defense on this forum or say that the response the soldier got was adqueate that if the problem was truly licked, Rumsfeld should of done his homework or said something else besides what he did. That's my final word on that matter, on to this one. A week or so ago, (some of you might remember it,) I posted something as a letter to the right leaning side of the fence that Republicans should be ...
December 16, 2004 by Solnac
Everyone's doing their Christmas specials on TV, I might as well blog mine. We'll have a liberal perspective of the news, a fair amount of Bush bashing around the eggnog, and enough conservatives whining about how liberal I am and how I should move to Canada to fill a DVD of Christmas goodness! You don't like it, this happy reminder exists to remind you that it's my blog and considering I used the word liberal at least four times within the five lines (counting the title) of this piece, you h...
December 15, 2004 by Solnac
Dear Republicans: I realize we don't agree on much if anything at all. Common ground is not what I call the difference in our politics, and my feelings on the matter is I shouldn't have to confirm to you and you shouldn't have to be thrilled and confirm to me either. So, in the spirit of Christmas, and because I know your leaders won't listen to me anyway, I offer a piece of advice: Be careful. No, that's not a threat. You see, from '92-'94, we had the majority in all the branches (exce...