Solnac's Articles In Politics » Page 2
December 3, 2004 by Solnac
"What the hell is he talking about?" Well, quite honestly, it seems Republicans want to stop filibusters that Democrats want to use to stop nominations of judges. What is a filibuster, you may ask? There's an old rule in the Senate that pretty much says you can talk forever on the floor of the Senate as long as you are standing on the floor and speaking, and do not give the rights of the floor to anyone else. It takes a 2/3rds majority to stop it in the Senate. AP Story This sounds l...
December 27, 2004 by Solnac
Before we begin the article's meat and potatoes, as it were, I encourage you to go here for my full political blog (some sites like Political Machine don't have Fear and Loathing in America posted) for what might be some of my best stuff ever: Link Today's article comes from here: Link There was a time when elections didn't have to be decided via recount. That's changed since 2000, though, and depending which side you happen to be on, you either think our current president in the Wh...
December 19, 2004 by Solnac
Link I'd like to take this moment and say that to those who are defending the Secretary of Defense on this forum or say that the response the soldier got was adqueate that if the problem was truly licked, Rumsfeld should of done his homework or said something else besides what he did. That's my final word on that matter, on to this one. A week or so ago, (some of you might remember it,) I posted something as a letter to the right leaning side of the fence that Republicans should be ...
December 16, 2004 by Solnac
Everyone's doing their Christmas specials on TV, I might as well blog mine. We'll have a liberal perspective of the news, a fair amount of Bush bashing around the eggnog, and enough conservatives whining about how liberal I am and how I should move to Canada to fill a DVD of Christmas goodness! You don't like it, this happy reminder exists to remind you that it's my blog and considering I used the word liberal at least four times within the five lines (counting the title) of this piece, you h...
December 15, 2004 by Solnac
Dear Republicans: I realize we don't agree on much if anything at all. Common ground is not what I call the difference in our politics, and my feelings on the matter is I shouldn't have to confirm to you and you shouldn't have to be thrilled and confirm to me either. So, in the spirit of Christmas, and because I know your leaders won't listen to me anyway, I offer a piece of advice: Be careful. No, that's not a threat. You see, from '92-'94, we had the majority in all the branches (exce...
December 9, 2004 by Solnac
The first discusses a special operations force in Iraq being displinced for rough treatment of prisoners, some of it involving tazers, bruising and kidney pains. Link The second talks about Iraqi reporters and their abuse at the hands of US forces. In addition, these journalists were employees of Reuters, who is seeking answers from our military. Link The first is shocking due to the consideration of the gag of this hidden from us, the general argument being, of course, if yo...
December 9, 2004 by Solnac
The question, of course, being 'why do we have to scrounge around for armor for our trucks?' Rumsfeld to his question, did in fact answer the question, although he did have to ask to have it repeated to him. Rumsfeld's Answer: From CNN What bothers me about Rumsfeld's reply is not the fact it's not true, it doesn't answer the question in it's complete pretext. The soldier is also asking if it will get better; or why isn't it better. Now, it's true you go to war with what you've got, ...
December 8, 2004 by Solnac
jin·go·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jngg-zm) n. Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism. So God how come every wrong's been done? With deals no Christ should allow Once the communist now the terrorist With blood as thick as yours - Flogging Molly, Screaming At The Wailing Wall Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along in the age of paranoia. -Green Day, Idiot Nation Dear Jin...
December 7, 2004 by Solnac
Full article below. From NY Times, where you do have to register (it is free, tho'.). If you'd rather not take my word for it, here's the link: Link 8 Soldiers Sue Over Army’s Stop-Loss Policy By MONICA DAVEY Published: December 6, 2004 Chang W. Lee/The New York Times ORRILTON, Ark., Dec. 3 - The eight soldiers come from places scattered across the country, from this small town an hour northwest of Little Rock to cities in Arizona, New Jersey and New York. In Iraq and Kuwait...
February 17, 2005 by Solnac
(AN: Yeah, yeah, I get it. Late to chime in on this topic. I originally started this weeks ago, and only found the time to finish through a terrible oh so human malady: the common head cold. If the topic sounds snarly, it's partly because of that, but I don't think it's entirely unsuitable.) ...with so many people who think they're so right. (I sometimes feel the moment I would of shown up to the Republican Revival on that thread, I would of been called a LLL, no matter how good the argume...
February 10, 2005 by Solnac
Link You know, you may not agree with me on this point, but doesn't it seem that we're trying everything, moral, degrading or not, to get these people to talk? What is wrong with us? Do we acutally sincerely believe that because these people did a bad thing to us first, we're legitimately able to toy with them, violate their religious taboos as a scare tactic so we can loosen their lips? And since it's not covered by the Geneva Conventions (which never really stopped us before now), i...
February 8, 2005 by Solnac
It's almost fun watching the right wing pundits take pot shots at the UN and it's current troubles; one would think that globalization would run counter entirely to their economic and social policy. And fair enough, the current system sucks, like a Hoover set on high and left running for entirely too long on shag carpet. How did it get that way, though? Isn't the UN supposed to be the watchdog of the world? Aren't we supposed to help spread the whole world as a neighborhood concept? They have...
February 6, 2005 by Solnac
During my hiatus, I, as a bleeding heart liberal blogger have successfully: made America lose a war (which I wasn't even born for), trying to see that America loses this war too (funny, I just wanted some sort of idea of how we're going to get out with all of our troops home and the Iraqis getting a stable government, but I guess voicing dissent is wrong), I have made another blogger never want to read again with my traitorous words (fully covered by the first amendment!), and I've reduced t...
January 31, 2005 by Solnac
Before you all think I'm jumping the bandwagon of people lauding democracy an absolute success and the fact we show those insurgents who's boss, I will say, reservedly, that the Iraq elections were a booming and rather quiet success, despite all the hype (and no pun intended). BUT, here's just a small sampling of some issues that needs must be raised: --While some areas were crammed, others had their voting booths empty, espically in the regions with the old Sunni regime were present. T...
January 29, 2005 by Solnac
There's a whole list of comments I could make that are painfully ironic. The article I'm gonna cite is here: Link Smart man. Witness the political self-preservation method here, folks. Thomas knows Bush is the quintessenal lame duck, there's nothing the man needs to do for reelection now and so Bush is trying to get his pet projects passed, no matter how unpouplar they may be now or later. Fact is, I'd be itchy too if I was a Republican running for office in 2006. No offense, George, ...