I Guess Going On Hiatus Did Me Some Good After All...
During my hiatus, I, as a bleeding heart liberal blogger have successfully: made America lose a war (which I wasn't even born for),
trying to see that America loses this war too (funny, I just wanted some sort of idea of how we're going to get out with all of our troops home and the Iraqis getting a stable government, but I guess voicing dissent is wrong), I have made another blogger never want to read again with my traitorous words (fully covered by the first amendment!), and I've reduced the word liberal to a curse word (it's only that if you take it to mean it that way) and made a mockery of the Democratic Party. (Nah, nah, Democrats...you suck!)
I've been busy. There's more, tho'!
The Democratic party, my party of choice, has also: pissed a conservative off by complaining an act violates the Geneva conventions (remember and eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but you can't see your enemies anymore!) and we've kicked minorites in the butt by even daring to debate and vote against the Gonzales and Rice nomination (Remember, documents with their titles in the present tense are historical only and torture isn't wrong if your enemy is doing it, it's a way of life!). At the same time, we're plagued with our indecision, negativity and dissention (but yet united enough to try to thwart the innocent right's plans and try to take over the world! ((I acutally personally DO think the party's spilt somewhat, but that has to do with political preference and wanting to blame someone, anyone, for not beating the Bush.))
And you'd think we had WON the last election. Wow. We seem to be more effective when we lose then when we win. You guys seem to pay attention to our little folibles more. (Never mind the fact that there were some Dems probably voted for Gonzales and Rice, never mind the fact that a human being should be treated like a human being, regardless of what flavor of scum you think they are, and never mind the fact that some of our party was too young to remember Nam. We're guilty.)
Yes, I'm mocking you. This is politics, and everyone's entitled to their opinion AND their turn in the barrel. You've won, you guys. We can't block your nominations. We can't really stop any bill you want passed without dissention from your party. We can only badger and present our case to the American people. You know, it's nice to say we'll work with "your president", but "your president" hasn't shown a lot of compromise, and has a tendency to polarize against the opposing party. We don't like him. You do. Great. Go change the country then, and stop complaining about us doing what we have to try to be heard.
I'm not saying shut up, but guys...you're just being down right amusing with your victim portrayal of the big bad liberal.
Goes To Huff And Puff Your House Down And Has A "Supporting Terrorists Rally" In A Half Hour, The AWM,
PS--Thank you, btw. I didn't realize how amusing and corny rhetoric from either side sounded until I read this. You brightened my day and made me realize how futile it is to argue with some of you.