...Um, ok, are we talking out of both sides of our mouth here?
Published on December 6, 2004 By Solnac In Politics
Returning to Fallujah

Did I miss something? Was I asleep when I was told we were fighting for Iraqi freedom? Was I visualizing something else entirely? Maybe Bush and I have different definitions of 'freedom'. Apparently his involves DNA profiling.

Look, I can hear it now, so all you conservatives can save your breath: 'We're at war here, and Fallujah was a large battleground insurgent zone, it's expected that the armed forces are gonna be a little paranoid'. I expected curfews and patrolling the streets. DNA testing and retina scans to doublecheck identity seems a little over the top. in my humble opinon. Slightly costly too, and with a seven trillion dollar debt, you can bet that that's going to blossom into more in a short period of time. I can even admire Bush's commitment in making sure we make the Janurary deadline in elections.

It's a lousy way to preach freedom to the masses, though. I guess when I visualized the US talking about Iraqi freedom I visualized a mini third world USA, with the family car, the free speech on TV...maybe a few Marines for security, but not this. Iraqis enjoying our kind of freedom we have here. Hell, even introduce them to the internet. It's a far cry, isn't it?

Could Putin be correct and not just spouting sour grapes? Are we forming our own dictatorship in this case? I fear that while he is bitter about the Ukraine elections and the Iraq invasion and a few other matters, the man is not completely wrong with his description of democracy by dictatorship, and I wonder if elections in Iraq can be handled in a war zone, no matter how 'stable' of one happens to be.

Putin slams dictatorships in West.

When is freedom not quite freedom? And do these people have less freedom then when we 'liberated' them?

Maybe we need to stop and ask these questions.

Glad he's free, but sad we've got a long way to go for the Iraqis, the wolf dragon/AWM


Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 07, 2004
Not to mock you, hitparade, I feel your comments are valid, but I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, in that quote, the precise reason why 9/11 and the Iraq war exist.

And the reason? The wall erected by Clinton to hide his illegal campaign contributions that now is being blamed for it all.

At least it is coming down now.
on Dec 07, 2004

The wall erected by Clinton to hide his illegal campaign contributions that now is being blamed for it all.

? what have i missed?

on Dec 08, 2004

Carlos Marcello (aka Little Big Man) was born in Africa of Sicilian parents. A notorious gangster, who ruled the New Orleans’s crime family, and his name is associated, along with Santos Trafficante, with JFK (Jack Ruby/CIA/ Castro). A lot of hearsay, very little hard facts.
on Dec 08, 2004

While our troops do have to deal with things as they are now, I suggest that the CIA should stop whining about the difficulty of the mission, and exploit the foe's increasingly understood vulnerabilities. The Batthist political party was not the only power on the block; they merely had the biggest guns, and got to ware the legitimacy of State, they could then crush any challenge to their political power. Parallel to Batthist power are the groups that operate in the shadows (criminal groups, 'mafias', the black market). The u>s. invasion has caused the Batthist to now also operate in the shadows. Many Iraqis are businessmen (criminal, legitimate, a combination of both), not religious fanatics. They have considerable power. The Batthist, criminal groups (remember Saddam opened the jails prior to the invasion), along with religious fundamentalist are working together because the CIA has not made the gangsters a better (money), and more honorable offer (respect).
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